Holding Faith

One woman's spiritual journey through life, hanging on to faith in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher and perfecter of that faith. " . . . that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith . . . " (I Timothy 1: 18c, 19; ESV)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Follow the Son

This afternoon has been spent trying to catch up on blog reading - not too successfully. Too many rabbit trails to follow! Anyway, instead of mindlessly watching TV (more listening than watching), I decided to put in some of my music videos; specifically, two of the four Hillsong ones I own. I started with God He Reigns, and am now enjoying Mighty to Save. There are several songs on that one that are not on the CD, including the one I've quoted below. I was unable to find out who wrote it, but the words spoke to my heart today.

Follow the Son

You are the light
That guides my way through fear
I know my path
Will lead me to the King
And all the world
Will bow to worship You

You are the God
Who changed the world through one Holy Son
You gave everything
So all the world
Will bow in awe of You

You came down through grace
To show a better way

I follow the Son
You’re the only One
Let Your kingdom come
I’m giving it all
To the One I love
I follow the Son
Jesus holy One
Let Your will be done
I give it all to You
You are everything to me (4x)



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