Holding Faith

One woman's spiritual journey through life, hanging on to faith in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher and perfecter of that faith. " . . . that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith . . . " (I Timothy 1: 18c, 19; ESV)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Abandoned To God

This song is on the latest Hillsong United album, The I Heart Revolution. Unfortunately, the lyrics are difficult to understand, so I looked them up, and found that Joel Houston has written another wonderful and thoughtful song. It expresses the thoughts of my heart; namely, that when we consider who God is, what He has done through His creation, and by providing a way of salvation for fallen man, our response should be to fall before Him and offer all we are and all we have in praise and worship or Him forever, to totally surrender and abandon ourselves to our amazing God.

As usual, I've gone to YouTube to find a video for you to watch. The lyrics are after the video.

The Stand

lyrics and music by Joel Houston
You stood before creation
Eternity in your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart, Oh God
Completely to you

So I'll walk upon salvation
Your spirit alive in me
This life to declare your promise
My soul now to stand

So what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart, Oh God
Completely to you

I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to you surrendered
All I am is yours


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