Holding Faith

One woman's spiritual journey through life, hanging on to faith in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher and perfecter of that faith. " . . . that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith . . . " (I Timothy 1: 18c, 19; ESV)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daily Blessings #17, 18, & 19

It's cold and virus and flu season. Yeah, you guessed it: I've been sick.

#17 - Phil and I were invited to share dinner with my parents. I was really tired, and the coffee I'd had earlier in the day left me jittery. (Usually, I don't even know I've had caffeine; sometimes it leaves me a little wired, but this reaction was extreme.) It turns out that was actually good: it had been snowing off and on, although the roads were clear. Until I hit a bridge, going 40 mph, and suddenly became aware that people were stopped. The car slid, and Phil kept saying "Hit 'em", which I interpreted as him wanting me to hit the car in front of me, which I thought was strange. Turns out "Hit 'em" meant "Hit them", meaning the antilock brakes! I think I pumped the brakes out of habit, but the important thing is that I was able to get over in the shoulder of the road and stop the car. For that, I was grateful. (Especially since last January we had an accident with a deer . . .)

#18 - I had been nauseated when I went to bed, but woke up definitely sick. My hubby took good care of me, listening to me moan when I got a fever, and Sarah stayed with me while we watched the first four episodes of season one of Stargate Atlantis. (Our first DVD from the Netflix gift membership we got last year. Yeah, we were slow to activate it.)

#19 - My fever is gone, but I'm still not feeling 100%. But I'm thankful that my fever is gone, and that I'm well enough to sit in the recliner.

Holding Faith,


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